One Day
One Church One Day
One Church – One Day provides a simple way for churches to pray together for our community in strategic and relevant ways. Each church takes one day every month to pray for 24 hours. This creates a church-led, year round, strategic prayer covering for our community.
Churches pray for their own congregation and from a Community Prayer Guide. The Community Prayer Guide features 8 strategic sectors of our society:
The Church
Media/Arts and Entertainment
Law Enforcement/Fire/Courts
Business/The Economy
These areas shape the culture of our community. By praying for God’s will to be done in these areas, we invite the Lord to transform our entire community. Believing leaders who lead in these sectors meet monthly to collaborate on relevant ways to pray. Those specific requests are then distributed to the hundreds of people praying in the churches, and they provide a basis to track measurable answers to prayer and community-wide transformation.
Each month we put out a prayer guide for one church one day. In the guide it has prayer points to help guide your time together.
Community Prayer Guide
Church Assignment Schedule
Each month the churches of Tillamook County have a day they are assigned to pray. Download the calendar to see which day your church has!