Days of PrayerOverview
This little prayer guide allows the participant to pray a “Word Prayer” which is scripture knitted together into a prayer, for specific needs. It is formatted to pray, 10 Days for my relationship with the Lord, My Church, My City and County, My State, My Nation, My World. There are currently 30 churches participating in Tillamook County. This is a simple, structured guide that will launch the intercessor into powerful prayer for specific needs and issues that affect us.
When we pray scripture like Jesus did, it accomplishes great and mighty things and does not return void without accomplishing what He sends it for! Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it . The more prayer, the better the results! 2 Chronicles 7:14-15.
This prayer guide is also being used in different communities in our state and nation. Our goal is to have people begin the booklet at different times of the year, so there is prayer going up all year long. We can customize our prayer guide, 50 Days of Prayer, to be relevant for your area.
50 Days of Prayer History
In 2013, the Tillamook County Wide Prayer Team published its first 40 Days of Prayer in an effort to build unity within the Body of Christ. Since then, we have invited churches in our county and state to join this prayer effort with a new book most years. Every year three-fourths of the churches that span our 75-mile-long county, join together to agree in prayer. We are seeing amazing answers to prayer!
In 2016, the first edition of 50 Days of Prayer, was published and distributed. It was written by 14 Christian authors. You will notice different personalities and passion arise in each prayer. Some are prayer leaders, and some are pastors. We asked our authors from around the state to incorporate the scripture into each prayer. What you have before you is a powerful tool that will lead you to pray for topics that impact you but likely, you never thought to pray for. The Word does not return void but accomplishes that for which He sent it! (Isaiah 55:11). You will see the paraphrased Word woven throughout this book, so BELIEVE that your prayer will make a difference, because it will!
This book, if it is distributed by your church may come with a “50 Days of Prayer, Reading Guide,” containing a daily reading schedule, statistics for your community, county, state, nation and world as well as the names of your leaders. This can be updated annually. Please take the time to open the Reading Guide and lift up the names of your leaders and sense the weight of the statistics. Please use it all year long!
In 2019, we felt the Lord was calling us to enlarge the prayer territory. Our 50 Days of Prayer Team began to work with Pray Oregon to build a “Prayer Shield” over Oregon and the Nation. The goal is that on the first of every month more Counties will begin 50 Days of Prayer. This raises a continuous prayer shield over our state and nation all year long! As new communities are added, eventually every state will be bathed in continuous prayer. This prayer can spread like wildfire… the fire of God to bring healing to our people and nation. If each church catches the fire of His love to lift up passionate prayer over our people and land, we can expect a sweeping move of God. So, let’s do it! Give 10 minutes to bring yourself and your family to God’s throne of grace to find help for our people. Use this book as a launch pad to pray what God puts on your heart. Go for it! And thank you for praying!