Welcome to Tillamook County Wide Prayer Team!
We are delighted to have you visiting us. We invite you to help us be part of the solution, giving back to our communities by praying! We pray for every aspect of our community, to be at peace, safety, hope…. we pray for those things that affect us the most…. Our churches, government, schools, earthquakes, fire, etc. We pray for our neighbors and ourselves to know Jesus more and more, and that the heart of our beautiful land would be a reflection of His love and presence. Tillamook Co. is a crown jewel of beauty and we are blessed to live here, but like everywhere, we need a BIG touch from God to bring the hearts of our people back to Him. Help us cry out to the One who can make a difference!
TCWPT Mission
To bring glory to God in a unified effort, by corporately worshiping Jesus Christ through song and worship dance and facilitating prayer for personal, local, national and international issues which impact the local Churches and Community.
The Tillamook County Wide Prayer Team was established as a Multi-church grass roots prayer movement in 1997, with monthly meetings which were a collaborative effort to bring focused prayer for our communities. In 2001, a formal Advisory Board was established to over-see activities and on January 23, 2003, the Tillamook County Wide Prayer Team became an “Unincorporated Christian Ministry” for the purpose of maintaining a “Non-profit status” for different prayer related activities. In 2011, Tillamook Co. Wide Prayer Team was adopted as a Program of TEAM Tillamook.
Currently, the Tillamook County-Wide Prayer Team Advisory Board meets monthly or more frequently with event planning.
We are engaged in the following activities:
Tillamook County
Corporate Prayer for issues that impact our County and churches
Worship Team
Development of a multi-church County-Wide Praise and Worship Team which plays for events and corporate gatherings.
Dance Team
Development of Reflections of His Glory Worship Dance Team
50 Days of Prayer
Development of a 50 Day Prayer Manual, and utilized by 30 churches, written by community members and published once a year. This starts on Easter and goes through Pentecost
Pulpit Prayer
Development and production of the Pulpit Prayer Schedule for Tillamook County Churches.
Prayer Summit
Facilitation of Tillamook County pastoral scholarships to the Coastal Pastoral Prayer Summit
Event Leadership
Production of events for the churches like:
Global Day of Prayer, Prayer and Praise in the Park, National Day of Prayer, Love Your City and Facilitation of joint activities with the Churches.
Prayer Training
Provide training to churches and individuals in how to pray effectively.
Tillamook Co. Wide Prayer Team is organized as a Multi-church Ministry under the
Living Water Fellowship Non-Profit 501(c)3 and can receive tax-deductible donations.