To bring glory to God in a unified effort, by corporately worshiping Jesus Christ through song and worship dance and facilitating prayer for personal, local, national and international issues which impact the local Churches and Community.

Tillamook County-Wide Prayer Team

10 Days of Prayer for the Nation

Day 32 – Our Future Leadership

April 27, 2016

“For I will deliver and defend (our nation) to save it out of the hand of the enemy for My own sake and for the sake of My people in this place.” Is 37:35

“I have stirred up in him righteousness, and I will make all his ways level, he shall build my (nation)… Is. 45:13

Father, we are immersed in a political climate with candidates and issues that often conflict with Your Word. We need Your wisdom to sort through candidates and issues that could change our future for great good or great evil. Lord, we ask for a fresh wind of Your Spirit to blow across this land to bring restoration and hope into the hearts of the American people. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear what You are saying. We ask You to cast your light on those candidates who would be great leaders who honor You with their leadership and who would care for and protect our great nation and people. For we know that when our leaders honor You, blessing and peace will come to our nation. We ask that You would expose truth. We stand in the gap for Americans to have godly discernment. Give us a heart to search through the values of right and wrong, good and bad. Help us to abhor what You say is evil and to love what You say is good. Give us ears to hear Your Word and Your righteousness as we cast our vote. Help us to be prayerful and thoughtful according to Your purposes. Restore righteousness and values which have been lost.

Help me to seek You and take my voting responsibility and choices, as accountable to You, not my political party. Forgive me, when I have been swayed by popular opinion. Lord, I desire to take a stand and vote, and to uphold those who uphold Your values and remove those who don’t. Forgive us when we have allowed ungodly leadership to assume positions of authority because of our lethargy, and unwillingness to vote. Move on the 93 million Christians’ hearts to vote according to Your purposes. In Jesus Name!

Lord, I pray for the candidates You have laid on my heart:

And I pray for issues that concern You and me: