To bring glory to God in a unified effort, by corporately worshiping Jesus Christ through song and worship dance and facilitating prayer for personal, local, national and international issues which impact the local Churches and Community.


50 Days of Prayer

Day 19 – Dairy and Agricultural Business

April 14, 2016

Exodus 3:8   So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from that land to a good and large land, to a land flowing with milk and honey,

Isaiah 28:26   His God teaches him and shows him the right way.

Jeremiah 31:23-25(NKJV)   Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: ‘The Lord bless you, O home of justice, and mountain of holiness!’ 24 And there shall dwell in Judah (Tillamook) itself, and in all its cities together, farmers and those going out with flocks. 25 For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.”

2 Timothy 2:6  The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops.

PRAYER:  Lord, we do thank You, that You have brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey. A land where Your glory dwells. You have supplied us with abundant rain, lush fields and amazing forests. We thank You for our farmers who supply for the needs of our people abundant food, shelter and jobs. We pray for them, that You would keep them, fixed and stable in the shadow of Your wing. Help them to manage profitably and efficiently in the ever changing regulatory environment. We stand in the gap and petition Your throne of grace to supply:

  • Abundant local feed production and lower feed costs
  • Better milk production
  • Excellent herd health and
  • Strong market for milk products
  • For practical, realistic regulations; undo regulatory requirements which are meaningless and expensive to good stewardship. Raise up a strong voice to advocate for this effectively.
  • Excellent workers

In Jesus Name we pray! Amen